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Celebrating 30 years of metal


2021 News at Shroud Central

Here we are in 2021 and things have, admittedly been a bit quiet here in the Shroud camp. Charlie Baughman and I (Matthew Craig) were able to do one tribute to our deceased drummer, Eric Biesiada - who left a pretty serious void in our world when he passed at the end of 2019. I was hoping we could have done some "quarantine jams" on Youtube like many people did thru 2020 during the COVID B.S, like Charlie Benante of Anthrax, the "Two Minutes to Late Night" gang  (from the famed St. Vitus Bar in Brooklyn) and many others...but, life goes on. My intention this year is to get a drummer that can perform our material to get out and do a couple of gigs (as my health allows!) and I plan to get many of the albums that we've made up for sale on Bandcamp, as well as here on the page.


Below are mages from the various Shroud releases over the years. There is going to be many new remixed versions of songs as well as re-pressings of CDs coming soon.

We will contemplate a vinyl release to see if we still have some love out there!! 

EDIT: Eric Biesiada did record MANY songs for the Hekate's Call record, so it WILL come at some point. Between Matthew Craig's health issues and losing Eric - it's difficult to move forward.

NEW ALBUM: Hekate's Call  (it WILL come...patience,please!)

R.I.P. - Eric Biesiada

On December 25th, 2019, the metal world lost one of their most gifted drummers. Eric "Blast Beats" Biesiada had joined Shroud in 2002 and went on to record their 2003 release, Awaken The Ancients almost immediately. Bassist and vocalist Matthew Craig and Eric were discussing the completion of the Hekate's Call album just before cancer took him from us. He was also working on ScytheMaster and Drysmian as well as a project called Illuminati with ex-Cryptic guitarist, Bill Klug. Bill and Matthew plan to work on completing some of the unfinished recordings that Eric had begun - only if we are able to channel his energy to do so. We miss you, dear brother.

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